Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Game Viewing Tower gets a Makeover

View from top floor of game viewing tower
Past visitors to Leopard’s View will remember the magnificent view that unfolds as you climb to the top of the game viewing tower.  To the west, the sweeping panorama that takes in the hills of the Escarpment, round to the valley and ridge in front of the tower and of course the view down to the water hole.  The view never fails to impress, even for us, and to sit on top of the tower as the sun comes up over the waterhole or enjoy a glass of wine with the sun going down is probably one of the great joys about living here. 
'Old look' tower

For some time though, we have been aware that the tower has been in need of renovation; the safety railings were rather inadequate and the floor needed relaying.  This was a job that required a few weeks work so we scheduled it into the calendar and began work last month.

Our first job was to strengthen and relay the floor on the middle deck and replace the safety railings.  This of course was more difficult that it sounds as once the floor was taken up there was nothing to stand on and it was rather a precarious task to relay the floor timbers. 
The top level floor came next; new decking timbers to be shaped, fitted and varnished and then the new safety railings.  New steel work was added in some places and new furniture on the top floor along with a shelf for binoculars and books.  The finished result is a great improvement.  Repainting of the steel work will follow, but that is a job for another day!
Top floor with new railings, shelf and furniture


The giraffes seen in the pictures were taken yesterday morning.  We were having breakfast with our guests when this group of giraffes arrived and stayed around the waterhole drinking and eating for some time.  I was climbing to the top of the tower for some photographs when elephants were spotted coming through the bush.  Breakfast was forgotten in the excitement of a wonderful elephant encounter – but, that will be in the next posting!   

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