Thursday, September 20, 2012

Lions visit

Evening light catches the lion at the waterhole
During the last week we have had several very good sightings of lions at Leopard’s View.  Our first sighting was a week ago on Thursday 13th September at 8.00 am.  We were re-laying the top floor of the game viewing tower (more news of that in the next blog), when we saw two lions walking across in front of the water hole.  They did not stop to drink and were intent on going somewhere in a hurry.  Two more lions followed them, but again were moving too fast for us to get any photos. 

Lion seen early yesterday morning
That same evening we saw one young male lion drinking at the waterhole and went down to take a closer look.

He had a limp in his back right leg and after drinking moved off into the river bed where there must have been at least two other lions from the very loud roaring that we heard.  The sound of a lion roaring at night must be the most evocative African sound and can literally send vibrations through the body.  We love to hear it and guests lucky enough to share the experience never forget it. 

This lion seemed to be suffering from a definite surfeit of food

Yesterday, we were treated to another fabulous lion sighting.  We first became aware of lion nearby at 4.00 am, when there were growls that could only have been made by a big cat, although at that time we were not sure if it was lion or leopard. 
A couple of hours later we found one male lion very close to the house and were glad we had not chosen that morning to take a walk as he was resting just 150 m away.  Later that afternoon about 5.00 pm the same male came to drink at the waterhole.  He took a very long drink and then lay down to rest.

The lion begins to walk along the road, back to the carcass
Lodge in the background

Not surprisingly, he had a very full belly and took several more drinks before walking off up the hill, and past our house back to where we had found him in the morning.  There he picked up part of a carcass that he had hidden in a thick bush and walked off.  We left him to enjoy the last of his meal, delighted to have had such a memorable sighting.   

We took this picture as he walked right past our vehicle on his way back to the carcass. He looks quite menacing compared to the picture below.

Lion at rest

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