Tuesday, October 16, 2012

‘Gang of Five’ pay a visit

Regular readers to the blog will be waiting to read about the promised elephant encounter that had interrupted breakfast for our lucky guests.......
Ezulwini enjoying his favourite euphorbia plant by Duiker hut

It began with us hearing branches breaking before one of our guests spotted an elephant through the bush between us and the neighbouring property.  Breakfast was quickly finished and we sat down to wait and watch, hoping that what we thought was a single elephant would come closer.  However, as we got a better view we recognised them as the ‘gang of five’ – two big males, namely Soshangane (with a radio collar) and Ezulwini, and three smaller males who are often seen with them. 

Ezulwini spots a tempting, overhanging branch of the marula tree...

Our guests, John and Colin standing on the deck enjoying the spectacle
They made their way through the bush and came out by the corner of Duiker hut.  Ezulwini then proceeded to feed on one of his favourite euphorbia plants close by the wall of the hut. 
The smaller elephants made for the bird bath and drank, and one sampled the very spiky Y-thorn bush beside the bird bath.
The young bulls drink at the birdpool and try the VERY  thorny Y-thorn bush
The marula tree by the splash pool was too much of a temptation for Ezulwini and he broke off one branch before we gently shooed him away.  Marula trees are a great favourite with elephants during the dry season and Ezulwini has several on his list when he comes visiting Leopard’s View.  Unfortunately, a marula tree is no match for a determined elephant and we were slightly worried the tree would come off worst and end up in the splash pool.  We have learned to keep an eye on Ezulwini when he is here and to take action whenever he tries to target our trees - one strong word from Neil is usually enough to deter him. 

Some of the action was picked up by our birdpool camera trap.
Picture from camera trap of the 'Gang of five' moving off into the bush.
We were delighted to be able to share this 'elephant encounter' with our guests - an unforgetable experience.

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