Sunday, August 12, 2012

Animals abound

This week we have been treated to some wonderful sights on the open plain in front of the viewing decks and our guests have enjoyed being able to sit and watch as zebra, impala, waterbuck, and kudu appeared in profusion.  

Three-legs take a drink at the bird pool
The spectacle began one morning with our friend ‘Three-legs’ coming up to the small bird pool for a morning drink.  He is still very much in evidence around the lodge and house, usually with ‘One-horn’ or in a small group of three or four males.

Male waterbuck
A beautiful male waterbuck then joined him at the birdbath whilst further down the slope there was a large herd of zebras, and at the waterhole two magnificent male kudu took a drink.

Two male kudu at the waterhole
 Another male waterbuck with a splendid set of horns came to the birdbath, and I was able to get some great photos in the mid-morning sunshine. 

Zebras at the waterhole

The following day we were treated to another great show when the same large herd of zebras came to the waterhole with seven giraffes all taking a drink together.   

It was a marvellous sight and we were very pleased to be able to share it with our guests.  

Five of the seven giraffes

Giraffes drinking
More and more the dry weather is encouraging the game to come to water as winter deepens.  We have had no rain for several months and the chances of any in the near future are slight so the animals are coming to permanent water with much more regularity. 

A magnificent waterbuck male

1 comment:

  1. What a great time to be in the bush! Beautiful photos.
