Sunday, August 19, 2012

Winter Wonders

Cape Glossy Starling on the Mountain Aloe

Female    Sunbird on Coral Aloe             
Winter here in the Lowveld brings many delights; the glorious aloes bloom profusely throughout July and August and attract a host of visitors. 

Now is the time we spend many hours trying to get the ultimate photo of the different sunbirds, Starlings or the Black-headed Oriole with its haunting call.  

Black-headed Oriole on Mountain Aloe
The Oriole and Starlings are particularly attracted to the large mountain aloe (Aloe marlothii)  in the centre of the lodge gardens, whilst the tiny sunbirds with their long curved beaks flit around the smaller Coral aloes (Aloe striata) making their distinctive warbling call.

 Red Bougainvillea flower

Bougainvilleas in their vibrant colours make for a stunning show throughout the winter months and seem to thrive in the driest conditions.  

Purple Bougainvillea flower

Impala Lily

The impala lilies are beautiful at this time of year, beautiful pink and white blooms in the otherwise rather bare winter garden.

Finally our little Barred Owlet is seen here on a very chilly winter’s morning.  We spotted him sitting up in a knob-thorn tree near the house with his feathers fluffed up to keep out the cold. 

African barred owlet

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