Our old friend, Soshangane, enjoying a drink at the bird bath |
For some time now we have been wanting to position a camera trap on the waterhole and the bird bath to discover in particular animal sightings that happen after dark.
Waterbuck males |
We felt sure that there were many visitors that we were unaware of, and hoped the camera traps would give us an insight into the noctural world of Leopard's View.
Impala male |
So far, we have positioned one camera trap at the bird bath and have already been delighted with the results, in particular the civet that was caught on camera a few nights ago.
civet |
A family of warthogs |
We will be putting the other camera trap in place in the not too distant future and will be posting the sightings as soon as they arrive. We are hoping that we will catch on camera the leopard who we know frequents the waterhole, but is very elusive, and usually appears from dusk to dawn.
Black-backed jackal |