Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Elephants bath and scratch

We have been treated to a very good elephant sighting in the last few days.  Sitting outside our house a few days ago, we heard the familiar crack of breaking wood and saw a large tree fall over down in the valley.  We quickly went up to the top of the viewing tower and scanned the bush to see if we could see any sign of what we thought must have been elephant activity.  There was nothing to be seen, but as the bush is very thick in places we would not see them unless they were browsing in an open area.  We decided to investigate further and drove down to the waterhole in the game drive vehicle.  Two elephants had arrived before us and had obviously been enjoying a bath as they were very wet and muddy.  We recognised the two big male elephants.  One has a collar and is called Soshangane and the other we knew to be Ezulwini.  They moved away from the waterhole and then spent some time using the trees around as scratching posts – their skin sounded like sandpaper rubbing against the trees.  They then carried on up the slope towards the lodge and passed close by one of the huts before moving off.  We were very pleased to see them as it has been a little while since the elephants have visited the water hole.  

Soshangane and a view of the lodge decks

Elezwini enjoys a final scratch

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