Saturday, July 7, 2012

A Tale of Two Impalas

Followers of our blog site or newsletter will know about the one-horned impala we have seen around Leopard’s View at regular intervals over the last three years.  Lately it seems that ‘One-Horn’ has teamed up with another impala male with a serious injury and the pair are now seen together often.  This other impala, whom we have named ‘Three-legs’, was first seen in January with a very bad leg injury, which has since quite miraculously healed to a great extent, although as you can see in the photograph the knee joint is very enlarged and the lower leg very thin.  He limps around but is able to run reasonably effectively even with such a damaged leg. 

Injured back leg of 'Three-Legs' 
These two impalas spend a lot of time around about our lodge and house sticking close to the buildings especially at night when the injured male is obviously in danger of being easy prey.  We are always delighted to see them and will keep you posted on their progress. 


1 comment:

  1. Great to here that these two guys are doing well. Love hearing all the news from such a very special place. Thanks a lot Neil & Ann.
