Sunday, February 20, 2011

Southern Ground Hornbills

Southern Ground Hornbills belong to the ‘Big Six’ bird list - a list created by the Kruger Park as the birds most sought after by visitors. They are indeed impressive looking birds, if also somewhat bizarre!

In recent years the future has not looked so rosy for the distinctive species due to a number of threats. Habitat destruction has lead to the loss of 50% of their natural range in the last 30 years, and the birds are often victims of poisoning, or caught for use in the tribal medicine trade. On top of which ground hornbills are slow breeders, successfully raising one chick to independence approximately every nine years!

Following a large conservation effort, however, their numbers are slowly on the rise again and we are delighted to report that a group of 4 have been seen around our waterhole several times in the past week. It’s great to see them back!

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