Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Giraffe kill – the lions move on

4 of the males & 3 of the females
During the night of Sunday 27th/Monday 28th November, the six males lions that had killed an adult giraffe about 150 m from Leopard’s View’s waterhole 48 hours previously had been joined by four females. 

As with the males alone on the previous two days, they fed in the relative cool of the early morning and then moved off into the shade to rest during the heat of the day.  At intervals they drank at the waterhole or returned to the carcass to feed. 

During the evening of Monday they continued this pattern, feeding, drinking and resting, either adjacent to the carcass (or in the odd case, on part of the carcass!) or in the open between the waterhole and the kill site.  

White-backed vulture

Tuesday and Wednesday saw similar behaviour, although by now there was relatively little meat left to be gleaned from the remains and the lions finally moved off to the north during the early evening of Wednesday 30th.

Now it was down to the vultures to pick the carcass clean and by Sunday 4th all bar a couple of vultures had gone. 

As of Monday 5th, there is no sign at the carcass of hyena activity but a hyena did drink at the waterhole during the evening.

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