Monday, November 14, 2011

“One-horn” is back

The one-horned male impala

As mentioned in a previous blog, most impala look alike and once they reach adult size cannot easily be identified, other than as male or female.  However, there is one male in our area with only one horn and he has been around for over three years now.  We were pleased to see him again late in the afternoon of the 12th November, moving past the stoep of our house with several other males.  It’s good to know he is still alive.  Like all the herbivores he will undoubtedly be very happy at the moment:  after unusually early rains (with the crazy hailstones!) in early October we have had several good downpours since and the bush is extraordinarily lush and green for this time of year. 

Our waterhole now, surrounded by green
We only hope that the rain will continue and that we don’t end up later on paying the penalty with a big gap when everything dries up and dies back.

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