Monday, June 20, 2011


On Friday 16th, soon after dusk, and as we waited for guests to arrive, a dark shape appeared at the back of the waterhole:  one white rhino. 

Then a second appeared at the other end of the water: two rhinos. 

After watching these for perhaps a minute or two, two more walked in from the left and drank at the front of the waterhole:  four rhinos. 

By the end of ten minutes, two had drifted off into the darkness while the remaining two grazed in the light. 

Although obviously focused on these two we then became aware of movement on the left of the water:  a leopard was finishing a short drink and then turned and moved off.  It was a brief glimpse only but nonetheless exciting. 

The grazing rhinos slowly moved up into semi-shadow, towards the lodge, and finally some 30 minutes after they first appeared were lost in the dark and the thick bush. 

Throughout this we kept hoping our guests would arrive but sadly that was not to be and all was quiet when they reached the lodge.

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