Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Starry starry night

The night sky has long held a fascination for people and is often one of the things that leave a lasting impression to bush visitors. Away from the light pollution of bright city lights, stars and even galaxies are fully visible if you care to look up. The night sky is also more impressive in the Southern Hemisphere simply because it contains a greater number of stars than the Northern Hemisphere, and a higher density of the brightest ones.  

The night sky changes with the seasons, each having specific constellations which can be identified. The end of May heralds the disappearance of the constellation Orion (the hunter) from our skies as he makes way for Scorpio (the scorpion). Scorpio is made up of 17 stars, and as constellations go is one of the less abstract shapes! It includes the super red giant ‘Antares’, seen clearly with a reddish hue in the photograph of last night’s sky below.

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