Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

Elephant beside the water tower
This morning began in quite a different way to the traditional egg hunt: a lone bull elephant appeared on the entrance road to the lodge and spent over an hour working his way around our house.

Feeding by the veranda
Being used to viewing elephants from a vehicle it was wonderful to watch him from the ground, gaining a completely different perspective. We could see every hair, eye lash and wrinkle, not to mention really get a feel for his size.

Towards the end of his round he discovered a freshly dug trench which will form a new soak-away for our shower, giving us a few nervous moments as he promptly stepped down into it. Luckily he decided that it wasn’t worth further investigation, left the pipe and climbed out again before fading into the bush.


  1. Hi, Neil and Ann. That is a close one. Is everything at ngala ya rila still in place. No trees pushed over? We have a beautifull spring but are also desperate for rain.

  2. Dear Anne, dear Neil, what a great video!
    It must have been a special moment to see the big guy from your terrace.
    Hope you are all fine!
    Take care,

    Anke & Thorsten
