Saturday, October 19, 2013

New outdoor showers

Our most recent visitors to the lodge have been enjoying the new improvements to Giraffe and Duiker huts, namely the outdoor showers.  With the temperatures soaring in recent weeks (40 degrees last Saturday),  the showers are being well used. 

Outside view of duiker hut outdoor shower
Giraffes admiring the new outdoor shower at Giraffe hut. 

The blossom on these lemon trees in the outside area of duiker shower gives a beautiful scent to the evening air.

I’m hoping these lemon trees in the outdoor showers will survive the frequent visits by the elephants. They make a habit of browsing around the lodge perimeter and think nothing of browsing on the plants inside the fence. 

Our tiny office has also been enlarged considerably, giving us a lot more working space. 

Summer has arrived with a bang, temperatures are steadily rising and the trees are beginning to get their summer foliage, but no rain yet.  The grass is very dry and brown with very little water content and we have a steady stream of animals visiting the waterhole to drink.  

Giraffe eating the knobthorn blossom and leaves.