Saturday, March 23, 2013

Views of a leopard from the camera traps

The camera traps continue to bring in some exciting and unusual pictures, and at last, we have caught on film the most elusive of our visitors, the leopard.

 In both locations, at the large waterhole and the bird bath we had a very good view of the individual animal.  

In the case of the leopard at the bird bath it was the white tip of the tail which was the first clue to what we had caught on camera.

This leopard then walked towards the bird bath and took a drink before moving off.  Fantastic!  Both of these visits, one earlier this week and the other a few weeks ago, occurred during the middle of the night, so we would definitely have missed the sighting except for the camera trap.  ,


 The leopard was definitely the highlight of the latest downloading, but there are always other delights amongst the other pictures.  Sometimes it is just one snap of an animal, like this elephant that just walked past the camera and then disappeared, or it might be the family of warthogs that have come for a cooling wallow.


This beautiful loan, male waterbuck is a regular visitor and of course, the impalas make their appearance almost daily.  There are often unusual close-ups views of the animals like this inquisitive young male impala checking out the camera or the impala at night which produced about 50 shots as he stood in exactly the same spot for minutes on end, twitching an ear or  nose and setting off the camera.  

And finally, of course, the giraffe always makes a wonderful picture – whatever the pose!