The birdpool camera trap has continued to catch the regular visitors during the day and night, with impala, waterbuck and duiker having the highest number of sightings. We always download the latest photos with a sense of excitement as to what we might have captured during the last week or two and this time we were rewarded with our first lion sighting on the camera trap.
It was a
lone male on 18th October at 10.31 pm, walking in from the side and
then standing for a short while at the bird pool, although not taking a
drink. At that time we had been hearing
a lot of lion activity during the night and had on several occasions been
convinced they were on our entrance road, so it was a real treat to see him
come to the bird pool.
great sighting happened just two days ago.
We were returning to the lodge when I spotted a jackal on the road just
past our entrance. We stopped to watch
it for a few moments and then were lucky enough to see two small jackal pups come
onto the road. They seemed to be fairly
relaxed so we quickly drove back to the lodge and picked up our guests hoping
to be able to give them a very good view of jackal and pups.
We returned
to the spot a few minutes later and found that the jackals had a den site in an
old termite mound right beside the road.
One was asleep in the long grass and the other was being a bit more
active – running about and dashing in and out of the den. We watched for a couple of minutes and
snapped a few photographs. The sleeping
pup is well hidden in the grassy undergrowth.
Finally, I
am posting this picture of the moon rising last night over the waterhole. Every month as the moon begins to wane it
rises over the ridge behind the waterhole and makes a magnificent display. The photograph does not do it justice but the
spectacle is worth recording. Past
guests who have been lucky enough to be with us at this time of the month will
I’m sure remember seeing it.